@winterembers- / TYVM ILY HEEHEE
it could sense their presence in the rancid , moist sewage system from the moment they crawled through , hear their soaked sneakers squelch as they ventured through murky waste , swirling the contents of stray driftwood , plastic bags and bottles , and other rubbish rendered indistinguishable by the dim quality of light . it could hear the erratic hammer in their tiny rib cages . it could hear their thin breathing and savored how they drew in tight breaths and how it came out in scared , shaky compulsions . a dripping noise of water hitting water sounded . it could smell the tantalizing aroma of fresh fear leaking out of their pores , invigorating its enthusiasm to feast as it monitored their progress from afar . if not the dankness of the uninviting labyrinth of tunnels , it would drive them crazy . it would toy with them before it ate , for it knew there was no rush ; it was eternal and had all the time in the world . it watched from behind , the only indication of its stare an occasional flash of two yellow predatory eyes , glowing like a flashlight with a hand clasped over the beam . as it watched them bicker amongst themselves and eventually somehow divert from the shadows , a string of drool dribbled off its red , snarling lips turned in a menacing smile . in the isolated redhead , it saw its chance . as the redhead backed against the dead end , a hollow thud prompted it from the shadows . it stood there , but it was no clown . it was al marsh , austere and reproachful . his hands were crossed over his chest . his face was pulled into a long , disapproving frown , giving him the appearance