
when i see you i can’t find the words to speak my cheeks go as red as two big cherries i try to look beautiful for you stuffing my dress up with tissues hoping you’ll notice but it’s obvious and i get so embarrassed im so smitten with you and everyone knows it


when i see you i can’t find the words to speak my cheeks go as red as two big cherries i try to look beautiful for you stuffing my dress up with tissues hoping you’ll notice but it’s obvious and i get so embarrassed im so smitten with you and everyone knows it


me: ok got dumped, im gonna start dating normal, super healthy guys
          me two days later: severely depressed, schizophrenic, autistic boy who’s failing all of his classes and eats like an obese middle aged woman? YES YES YES


do u ever get a huge crush on the kid everybody is afraid of and u don’t know how to deal because on one hand you really, really really really like him but on the other hand getting close to him would ruin all of ur friendships. this has been today’s episode of me