
Hello everyone I have decided to make a new account and delete this one, someone in my family changed my gmail password and I need to make a new one so I can continue writing! I will restart my one shot but request will be closed!I will @ my new account in the comments if you would like to see new content! I would like to thank all of my followers for supporting me! Good Bye! 


Hello everyone I have decided to make a new account and delete this one, someone in my family changed my gmail password and I need to make a new one so I can continue writing! I will restart my one shot but request will be closed!I will @ my new account in the comments if you would like to see new content! I would like to thank all of my followers for supporting me! Good Bye! 


Hello my dudes, I have an important announcement. I won’t be able to update for another 3 weeks because of me on a last minute vacation and school starting a week after getting back. I have started on everyone’s stories and when I come back I will continue and start updating again. And I’m sorry for being inactive I will be back soon :)


@citrustrash07 ok That's cool! Don't worry we can wait 


OKAY, can I just say that @MiniAphmauShipper and @Campcamptrash123 are so supportive and give so much positive feedback on my Camp Camp oneshot book and I wanna give them a big virtual bear hug. 


@Campcamptrash123 awwwww thank you so much!!


*gets the feels* 


@citrustrash07 GIMME A HUG  LOL We love your work and Fully support you! 