
          	Welcome to the Bombay Pussycat. A spaceport bar where Mia and Mya are.
          	Second scene this week!


          Adrian and family are back from Haven, and back talking to the governments of Earth. In the two years since the conflict with the humans, Vampires have held the humans on the planet. The question is: are humans ready to talk yet?
          Long scene: probably should have cut this in half and published it in two parts. But it is the last scene in this chapter, and time to move on.


Back to work for two days tomorrow. At the end of the holiday weekend, making good progress in rebuilding the last part of Vampires in Space. Up to 236,000 words now. That means that since Dec 18th, I have added 16,000 words! Yea!
          The chapter I am starting on now is very complicated, and the one I have been avoiding re-writing / recreating because I had it so plotted out. But I have the old outline of it in my head still, so time to bite the bullet and get to work on it. 
          To get ahead a little I did a pass today on the start of the next chapter too. Xena on her way to Haven. Stepping away from Earth for a bit.


Instead of writing as I should be, I spent the day after work (yeah: had to go to work today) making new covers for Purity, Parole, Bad Choices, and Changing the World. Conclave got a new cover last week, and Siren Song a short while back. Lonely Dancer is next, and I'll re-do Ninovan and Erasure and Affirmation soon too.
          Still trying to decide if I want to take on Naked Came the Vampire again. That cover kicked my behind enough times already, and if I change it, no way they let me change it back because Wattpad got shy about artwork that even hints at frontal nudity. I added a copy of the current cover of NCtV to a comment once, and they flipped out. It's like soon I'll have to post these things on OnlyFans or something.


@muchcat2 I absolutely love that you got the idea behind that cover! It took me hours to draw that thing, and I am no artist, but I had exactly that idea in mind. I wanted people to know this was going to be adult, but not in the 'Meeting Mrs. Billionaire' genre. (though Adrian did meet Helen....)
            When I tried to take that forward and draw more covers, most of them were bad. At least until 'Vampire Drug Lord'. I like that one too. I also like the second Morgan Olsen book cover (Law of Unintended Consequences). All the others I drew had to go! 
            I love the new Siren Song cover. Still not exactly what I wanted, but so much better than what I drew. Same for Conclave. Purity is looking better too.
            I very much had you in mind when I released 'Incoming'. Why I put your handle in the post, and why it was a double long scene. Its also the last thing in that chapter. Next up, we jump on Xena, and fly out to Haven. The end of that chapter comes back to Earth to close out the 'Incoming' situation.
            Also of note: 'Incoming' is a 'bookend' story for me. It ties very much into the AsiaPac invasion story at the start of 'The Shape of Things to Come', and there are echos of a worry Adrian had back then, when he was afraid the Guardians were going to find the Crew's surplus submarines.  Its all a subtext there, but it played into the design of the defense plan in 'Incoming'


            I liked the naked came the vampire.
            Its more a modern art the prepares you for the story. It told me adult content but not shut.
            But hey only an opinion, always do your work for you. 
            Thanks for my last Xmas present .    
            Like you you released it for me, not. 


          Earth is not happy at finding out they have had the wool pulled over their eyes all this time. Sachin can't stop the undeclared war that Earth wages on the Vampires.
          Holiday special: 7000-word long scene! and as promised @muchcat2 
          Hope everyone out there is having a great day, time off, and lots of good food. I had cheesecake and outstanding chewy chocolate chip cookies myself. Also watched 'Red One'. That was fun.