
Thanks for reading all about Pete and Daisy ❣️I hope you’re enjoying their story ❣️


Wonderful ❣️See you at the sequels❣️


@TaniHanes It was so well written and had me very invested! I'll definitely be reading the rest of your stories! 


@8meets9 Thanks Evan! I miss you guys, too. I have been so busy lately that I am trying to catch up reading. I'm reading updates from the end of August and working my way to now as I can. Hopefully I'll have a little more time to catch up in the next few weeks:)


@8meets9 Doing good! How have you been? I just emailed you your book. One of the emails either 8 or 10 is actually 9. I misnumbered somehow.  I ended up downloading an app to compress them so I could actually send more than 5 at a time lol. Let me know if you didn't get them. There should be 15 parts:)