
to the readers of I would, prepare yourself ;
          	ive only written like 2/12ths and ive already written more words than any other chapter I've ever published 


@clairetastrophe you could a movie script and it wouldn't matter because ik it's gonna be incredible because this means your inspiration was FLOWING 


@clairetastrophe YAUAUAYAUAY CANT WAIT


i will forever wonder how ur so like pretty in every way and i havent even seen ur face???? like ur soul and heart and personality and everything about u is just so amazing shjfsjjgkskf


@clairetastrophe ahdjsjgjnrgn ur the cutesttt <3333


@ruru_222 i just KNOW youre gorgeous because the face always reflects the heart and soul 


@ruru_222 literally blushing and everything stop stop stop 


to the readers of I would, prepare yourself ;
          ive only written like 2/12ths and ive already written more words than any other chapter I've ever published 


@clairetastrophe you could a movie script and it wouldn't matter because ik it's gonna be incredible because this means your inspiration was FLOWING 


@clairetastrophe YAUAUAYAUAY CANT WAIT


on a lighter note, im on spring break, and i need something to do, so let me know what you'd like to have updated first!!


@ clairetastrophe  I would love a Reverie update 


@clairetastrophe dying for an i would update!!


          alright, first, I’m really sorry for disappearing. i needed some time to process everything, because finding out that Ala—Emma—wasn’t who she said she was really threw me off. My heart goes out to all those affected, especially Lorna, Ayesha, Ella, Klea and everyone from the snapchat group chat. 
          i ended up reaching out to her on Instagram because i wanted answers. i don’t regret doing that. i needed closure in my own way, but im not here to say how you should deal with your emotions. im naturally a very calm and critical person, and this whole thing has been messing with my head, but i needed to get the full picture. unfortunately, her answers were vague and not justifiable for her actions. if anybody's curious to what she said, reach out, and ill have no problem recaping the conversations. 
          i know most of you don't want to speak to her at all, and i completely understand why. what she did was hurtful, and it’s so frustrating that she didn’t seem truly sorry. honestly, i’m just feeling really betrayed and embarrassed right now. i hate, hate, hate feeling dumb, and this girl has made me feel so small, so used in some crazy twisted plan. it’s exhausting to have invested so much trust in someone who turned out to be completely different.
           i’m just drained from all of this.  
          to the people who reached out to me during all of this—I'm so sorry I didn’t respond. I know I should’ve been there for you, but I just needed some space to process everything. I didn’t mean to make you feel ignored, and I’m sorry if I did. i dont excuse my actions, but i hope you'll be understanding. 
          i know it’s rough, and honestly, I’m still trying to figure out how to deal with it all too. but I want you all to know that I’m here for you, always. no matter what happens, i’ve got your back.
          thanks for being so patient with me.  
          lots of love,


@clairetastrophe I love you too Claire and ofccc 


@clairetastrophe yes absolutely you can text me on insta!