
Hi friends!
          	So yes, I am aware that I haven’t published anything since April 2016, and yes, I am aware that I have left you hanging on both of my published works. However, I’ve been working on something super exciting...
          	Before I tell you what I’ve been working on for the past seven months, I should probably tell you that I don’t plan to finish my other two stories. I’m sorry, but I wrote them back in eight grade, and have simply lost interest. And if you write, you know how it feels to continue working on a story when you just don’t care for it anymore- it’s tedious, and it feels like a waste of time.
          	The story I’m currently working on, however, I will most definitely finish. I’m about halfway through it right now, with 15 (long!) chapters and counting, but the reason I haven’t published any of it is because I wanted to avoid what happened with my other fics, where I simply just stopped writing them abruptly. I want to finish it completely, and then publish it, but by bit.
          	More details to come on what the aforementioned story is about (this message is getting too long to post lol). Anyways, I hope you know that I love and appreciate you all, that I haven’t forgotten about this account.


also I’m sorry for the two typos, it should be ‘eighth’ and ‘bit by bit’. my phone keeps glitching on me ugh


Hi friends!
          So yes, I am aware that I haven’t published anything since April 2016, and yes, I am aware that I have left you hanging on both of my published works. However, I’ve been working on something super exciting...
          Before I tell you what I’ve been working on for the past seven months, I should probably tell you that I don’t plan to finish my other two stories. I’m sorry, but I wrote them back in eight grade, and have simply lost interest. And if you write, you know how it feels to continue working on a story when you just don’t care for it anymore- it’s tedious, and it feels like a waste of time.
          The story I’m currently working on, however, I will most definitely finish. I’m about halfway through it right now, with 15 (long!) chapters and counting, but the reason I haven’t published any of it is because I wanted to avoid what happened with my other fics, where I simply just stopped writing them abruptly. I want to finish it completely, and then publish it, but by bit.
          More details to come on what the aforementioned story is about (this message is getting too long to post lol). Anyways, I hope you know that I love and appreciate you all, that I haven’t forgotten about this account.


also I’m sorry for the two typos, it should be ‘eighth’ and ‘bit by bit’. my phone keeps glitching on me ugh


Chapter 7 will be released tonight. It's suuuuuuuuuper short, maybe like 60 words  but it's just a filler chapter. Thank you for your support :-)


Chapter 8 will be much longer (I'll try to do 6000 ;) ) but again, this is just a filler chapter


60 words? Could you maybe make it 6000?


Chapter 6 has been successfully published! Check it out! I feel exceptionally happy about how this chapter turned out. It shows Harry's and Ginny's internal conflicts, and it shows Ginny losing all willpower to hold her emotions back. Also, there is an enormous cliffhanger at the end.  Enjoy! 


Hai gais 
          Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I've had to pull together like 4 different presentations plus the Science Fair is tomorrow, sooo.. I've been a tad busy. But, now I'm back, and you should be expecting another chapter of "Count Your Blessings" very soon. (possibly later this afternoon)


Can do! Is 1032 words long enough?


Finally!!!!!! And make it a long one, please!!!!!!!