
Hi everyone! Happy new year and a late merry xmas from me! Hope you're all doing well, so sorry for not being active since freaking July o_O damn it's been that long...I've just gotten into that phase again where I don't write anything and have just lost all my time and inspiration...I've mainly just been drawing lately ( [shameful self promo]) and been busy with school so writing anything is the last thing on my mind.


Hi everyone! Happy new year and a late merry xmas from me! Hope you're all doing well, so sorry for not being active since freaking July o_O damn it's been that long...I've just gotten into that phase again where I don't write anything and have just lost all my time and inspiration...I've mainly just been drawing lately ( [shameful self promo]) and been busy with school so writing anything is the last thing on my mind.


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm going on an extreme writing hiatus ok im sorry but I have to do it (not that I'm writing frequently or anything right now XD). My final exams are coming up real soon and all I need to focus on right now is getting the grades that I want then I'll think about writing something. I'll still be active just reading stories once in a while but nothing more than that. My exams finish on June 9th so I look forward to seeing everyone on the other side :P If you have exams like me then I wish you all the best! If not then enjoy your freedom while me and many others suffer and attempt to endure the pain of stuDYING. Oops.


Im sooo sorry for not being active on my account! There's not much of an excuse except for the norm but yea I've been checking my notifications daily and reading once in a while but not much about writing unfortunately...hopefully I can get something up soon!