@musicandstuff17 you don't have to swear at me. I'm sorry about that, I am really a big grammar and spell freak. It's my OCD, it just really bothers me, I mean, a few spelling mistakes don't bother me, but when someone doesn't put quotations out of all things, I flip out and I don't know why. I liked your book, but the spelling and punctuation drove me out. And I wasn't even being that rude cause you're acting like I said the worst thing ever.
If I said something like "this story sucks, delete this sh** and come.bacl when you know how to write!" that would have been rude, and deserved this reaction.
But you are throwing a tantrum, and getting all defensive because you can't take advice. If you are writing in English, forgetting quotation marks is just an "oopsies", it's a big deal. It didn't just happen once either.
People like you who will jump and fire at the slightest criticism about their book really get on my nerves because there is always room for improvement. My first book contains a few typos, but I will edit the major typos really soon. And I take criticism all the time.
That tantrum that you threw with all those curse words, that was unnecessary and inappropriate in response to what I said. Learn how to stop getting so butthurt over small comments like that.