Hey peeps! My new story "You Ruined Christmas" is completed! I am so happy I finished it, especially in such a short amount a time. I need to thank Christmas Break because that was the whole reason I managed to finish so quickly. Anyway, I am very excited to call it finished and that it worked out really well.
News on other stories, I will starting a new one. I don't know when, but it might be a little bit before I do because my school is starting back up, and second semester is when teachers decide to really kick in the work with final exams and making schedules for the next year. However, I will try my best to get a story going but even if it does, it will definitely take time to write. Again, school.
I would love it if you could read my two stories I have posted and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. Happy 2022 and let's hope it is a good year!
-Clara :)