
Hi all. I wanted to say thank you so much for reading my book! It's been pretty nuts for the last couple of years for me, if you can believe it... I found out I'm BRCA1 positive, just like Angelina Jolie. I will be having a double mastectomy next year, because breast cancer is hugely prevalent in my family. I lost my mom to breast cancer when I was 19. She died at 45. My risk is huge compared to the rest of the "normal" female population, and with my family history it just doesn't make sense to leave it to chance. So I'll have a month to a month and a half where I have time off... I'm hoping to use that to write some more :).


Hi all. I wanted to say thank you so much for reading my book! It's been pretty nuts for the last couple of years for me, if you can believe it... I found out I'm BRCA1 positive, just like Angelina Jolie. I will be having a double mastectomy next year, because breast cancer is hugely prevalent in my family. I lost my mom to breast cancer when I was 19. She died at 45. My risk is huge compared to the rest of the "normal" female population, and with my family history it just doesn't make sense to leave it to chance. So I'll have a month to a month and a half where I have time off... I'm hoping to use that to write some more :).


Oh my god, I had NO IDEA you guys were messaging me. I'm SO SORRY. I went looking in my spam folder for something from Amazon and found a bunch of stuff!! Thank you so much for your comments! And yes there will be a sequel. I am so busy working two jobs, I just have to find the time to write!!! Thank you all for your feedback!!


Are you EVER going to post?! Please?! I've been waiting and checking back periodically for like, two years. Yes, you heard me! I've been wanting to buy this thing forever! You should self publish with Amazon so I can finally finish reading!!! :D


Hey all... it's taken a while, but I'm working again (hence the radio silence), and my life is slowly getting back to normal.
          I have good news, I'm going to copyright my book on the Canadian Copyright site tomorrow. That means I'll be able to post more of the book. At the same time, I'm going to start headhunting for a literary agent. I have to find the time to start writing the second installment.
          I'll post soon!!


@xjade94 Hey, I am so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I know we don't know each other, but I recently (December) ended an engagement and am trying to get my life back together... I want to post the next chapter for you guys so badly, but I'm kind of like if it's all online, will anyone buy it?