
Soooo I am dealing with ACOFAS hangover, therefore I have begun "Hellfire Part 2" which I am currently calling Death on Swift Wings that takes place after Hellfire as well as ACOFAS. I am splitting work between Hellfire and DOSW so updating may take a bit longer.


Soooo I am dealing with ACOFAS hangover, therefore I have begun "Hellfire Part 2" which I am currently calling Death on Swift Wings that takes place after Hellfire as well as ACOFAS. I am splitting work between Hellfire and DOSW so updating may take a bit longer.


UPDATE: After months of not being on here, I have returned with a fanfiction I've been wanting to write for a while. The Harry Potter one is scrapped, as well as my old ToG fanfiction, but a new ToG one is born!! Please read The Angel of Death and tell me what you think. :) enjoy


***** Book title is now Hellfire


Hey guys (all 9 of you) I'm in ACOMAF hangover at the moment, so my TOG fanfic might not be updated in a while since my focus has switched gears. I will try to get back to it before I start school again, but please bear with me! BUT I'm starting a Harry Potter fanfic in honor of his birthday (July 31!). So that will be up hopefully by the end of today with one or two chapters. YAY! :)