
did I just come out of nowhere, rewrite a bunch of chunks of A Muse of Fire (which has been untouched for SEVEN YEARS)? yep. i do not know where the sudden inspiration came from but i did it


so it's been weeks since my last update and i know i promised i would update every friday but life has been RIDICULOUS lately. i've literally been home long enough to eat and sleep and then when i wake up it's back at em (don't work two jobs and try to balance school and a social life on top of that, it's wayyyy too much my friends). unfortunately it doesn't look like anything is going to be slowing down any time soon so we're back to irregular updates until life can get back to normal for me. sorry :/ i miss writing for my babies.
          on a lighter note, i saw shania twain last week and it was INCREDIBLE and i'm still on a concert high c: