
Hello hello!
          	It has been a realllyyyy long time since I've been on here.  Life just got wayyyy too busy but I hope to be more active on here this new year!  I hope you all are great and you are always welcome to reach out to me!


Hello hello!
          It has been a realllyyyy long time since I've been on here.  Life just got wayyyy too busy but I hope to be more active on here this new year!  I hope you all are great and you are always welcome to reach out to me!


Hi!  I have just created an instagram where I will be publishing sneak peaks of poetry and posting my updates there!  I will be so grateful if you followed it!  I have just finished a short story and I am currently working on editing and creating a cover.  Thanks for being patient!
          Instagram: @clary__frost


Sorry for another disappearance.  I had a minor relapse with losing my voice once again and then after that I suffered from the stomach flu for a week.  I hope to get up a new short story within the next two weeks and I'll get back to editing next week.  I miss you all and happy writing!


Hey!  Here is a little check in with me! 
          I'm sorry that updates aren't really coming at the moment.  I am in college, which is one of the reasons, and I just visited another college over the weekend.  You know that feeling that you get when you can see yourself at that college?  That's what I got over the weekend at this new college.  So along with getting through the spring semester, I am also trying to transfer! So, updates may be slow, but I will get back editing people's work soon.
          I am also enrolled in a creative writing class (I am an English major with a creative writing minor), so I hope to post some of the work I do in that class!
          Happy writing, everyone!


I struggle with a mental illness.
          	Why are those six words so impossible to say?  Why do we fear from letting other people know about the worries and problems within our head?  Why is it so much easier to say I struggle from a physical illness or injury than something within your brain?
          	Shatter the Silence is a collection of stories from other people who have been through the struggles of mental illness or know loved ones who have been through it.  I ask you to help me in this project so people who are struggling know they are not alone.  It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey of finding help or if you have been through it, if you are comfortable, please share your story with me.  
          Direct message me with a link to a document of your story or post below on this thread.  There is no required length, so share your story so others will not feel so alone.  I can tag your name in case if others want to reach out to you or you can be anonymous - completely up to you.
          	Please include this format on your document and in your request for having your story added:
          Anonymous? (Y/N)
          Tag? (Y/N)
          Mental Illness:
          I also encourage you to share the link of this book with others in the Wattpad community, so the word can get out.  I want this book to reach as many people as possible, breaking the stigma along the way.  I also implore you to copy and paste these colored hearts on your biography to spread the word as well.  Copy and paste the ones that relate to you.  Be brave and share your story:
          = I support the mental health community
          = I personally know and support someone with a mental illness
          = I have a mental illness
          Let’s shatter the stigma together.  Let’s rock this world and lift up our voices to share our stories.  Let’s shatter the silence.


Aw, the hearts didn't post - copy and paste them from my profile if you want them


Happy 2019!  I am working very hard to get back to normal updates for this new year!  Thinking back to 2018 though, some of my readers were requesting for me to write a fantasy novel so... with the new year, I have been planning out a new fantasy series of books, "Five Crowns", more details soon to come!  Thanks for being patience and happy reading!


Hi, I will be returning to this world next week.  I just need to survive finals and then I should be getting back to writing.  I'm finding courage to capture my voice back.  Thank you all for being so patient.  ❤︎


@clary__frost can't wait to have you back xx


          Dear my followers,
          	I want to apologize to all of you.  I have disappeared for some months and want to be honest as I can with you all.  I have taken a leave of absence these past months because of my mental health, I’m fighting this uphill battle with all my might and unfortunately there were some casualties in this fight.  One of it was my writing.  I was unable to write these past months, all of my joy and freedom I find from writing was gone.  It scared me so much, because I want to pursue writing as a career.  It felt if my mental health took away my voice in this world and I was silent.
          	I’m finding my voice again.  I write to you now, because I am crawling my way back.  Please, please be patient with me as I begin to add my voice back into this world.  Yes, I will be continuing to writing my novels, short stories and poems, but I don’t know how long it will take before it will reach its old levels.  I should’ve let you all know before, but I simply was unable to.
          	For those who are reading this, the best thing you can do is to message me on wattpad with support or drop a vote/comment of encouragement on my writing.  I need all the support I can get through this pass of absence.  Even if you just want to comment to say you are still out there, so I have some motivation to keep writing.  Even if I haven’t met you at all or it’s been a long time.  Anything will help.
          	I promise soon that I will keep writing, thank you for being so patient.  And a special shout out to Joe - thank you for sticking with with.
          ~Clary Frost
          PS - for those who are also suffering from the invisible perpetrators of mental health - please, please seek help.  I know it’s hard, but you can do it.


@Jdinsm Thank you ❤︎


I’m always here ❤️