One other idea I had, which would probably be a longer story arc, is that I think it would be cool to have an ae for unlocked where Grady takes a more pro active, fatherly role with Keefe. He does that a bit at the end of unlocked when he talks to Keefe, and then when Keefe returns and stays at havenfield. That conversation Grady eventually had with Keefe in Stellarlune where he confided about how hard it was to manifest as a mesmer, and how hard he had to fight to gain control of such a powerful ability -- if that conversation had happened in the healing center and Keefe had gone to havenfield to live with the gnomes and train with Grady instead of going to elwins to have different treatments tried on him, I wonder if he would have felt better, if he would have felt like Grady would protect him from the council and/or his mom. I just love the idea of this arc because there's so much tension between Keefe and Grady, but in the end they are a lot alike and Keefe really needs a dad like Grady.