
sorry... 4K votes on Careers??? Guys I'm over the moon, thank you so much!!!


Hi everyone!!! I've been meaning to do this for ages, but I'm FINALLY going to be editing my Careers fanfic. My writing style has massively improved, but don't worry I won't change any story detail, just the language and style! Chapter One out now, if anyone fancies following along with an updated version, if not, I'll post another update when it's all done! xoxo


Hello fellow Wattpadder!
          We are hosting an exciting new awards book that is designed for all Harry Potter Fanfiction writers. We would greatly appreciate your participation! Currently we’re looking for participants and judges! If you’re interested in joining, please click the link below:

          If not, please ignore this message. Thank so much and I hope you have a marvelous day!


Hi everyone, sorry I've been away for so long :/ but literally just posted a whole load of updates for both HP books, so check them out! and as one fic is now finished and the other might be soon, i'm starting an original book... more details later! Thanks :)