HELLO, i thought i was following you already, but didn't you used to have a book called "deeds"? thanks! :) (btw that book and the sequel was my ultimate fav, and i got sad when it was taken down sjskskdkk)

@claudiapb1 yeah, i actually am but i don't remember the name of it anymore aha. aww, you're welcome, im glad u feel a bit better now!! <333

@stylesfrog omg wow are you still apart of the group!? I think I still am I’ve had the most horrible day today thank you for making it so much better ❤️ I’m glad it made you happy I loved writing it

@claudiapb i read it bc u posted it on a 1D facebook group. im glad that i am one of the first readers to read that book! and you're welcome, the book made me extremely happy too :)))