
   /     he's an old man with a grudge against dirt. that's his whole plot. no need to read his info.


“DON'T WORRY! I'M JUST AS SHOCKED AS YOU BY THE THINGS I SAY!”                     © dni. info thread.


            PERSONALITY :  at his current age he's nothing other than friendly  ,  sometimes annoyingly so. he says whatever he wants  ,  not exactly intentionally  ,  but he never takes back his words unless he truly believes he's in the wrong. he likes to joke and flirt  ,  the definition of playful. he has an occasional serious side but that’s typically only seen when he's cleaning. he can also be a bit of an ass if he's having a bad day.
            ¹  he's a heavy smoker. it's very rare you'll see him without a cigarette.
            ²  has an assortment of tattoos. a lot of them he did himself.
            ³  not the biggest fan of touch  ,  especially if it's without permission. it's not that he dislikes it  ,  he just always freaks himself out over the fact that he doesn't know if someone else is dirty or not. he undoubtedly craves touch and will suffocate anyone he feels comfortable around with affection.
            ⁴  always wears gloves. he has different kinds that he'll wear depending on the situation.
            ⁵  he genuinely loves cleaning as well as his job. although the causes of the messes he has to clean up annoy him  ,  he still enjoys any assignment he's given. despite the circumstances that caused the habit  ,  cleaning is now done more by choice  ,  rather than an uncontrolled need.
            ⁶  speaks english , german , and french ( english from the various homes  ,  german from his parents  ,  and french because of his boss )
            ⁷  he's been working for keegan's company since he was 16. he's been working for him for 26 years. has actually been offered a higher position  ,  but that would mean more office work and less cleaning  ,  so he always declines.
            ⁸  he's a hamster dad. he has four.


            whether henrik was born FOR his ability  ,  or his ability was formed for HIM  ,  was unknown.
            he wasn't born with it but it formed at a relatively young age.  still slurring over his words and not walking quite steady.
            whenever he's cleaning  ,  his   ‘  stats  ’  increase.  strength  ,  speed  ,  stamina  ,  endurance  ,  agility  ,  and dexterity.  this is visually represented on a pop up screen only he can see.
            the size of the mess determines how much it increases and how many of them. it always matches his capabilities to what's needed to clean up the mess. if he can do it with his normal stats  ,  then it doesn't activate  ,  if it's only slightly above what he's capable of  ,  it only increases that much  ,  so on and so forth.
            if it's a small mess then only one or two increase  , medium is four  ,  and large is all six.  the ability itself scales the size of a mess.
            this ONLY activates in times when he's actually cleaning.  meaning he can't pick up a broom and beat someone up with increased strength. on another hand  ,  he doesn't need to be using cleaning supplies for it to work.


this message may be offensive
ASSIGNMENT  ( 2 ) :  CONT'D ...
            RUNNING AWAY from the system was meant to make things better.  his life was supposed to get on track.  but he was too young to hire legally and too soft to hire for the more illegal jobs.
            CLEANING  —  his only constant in life that he chose for himself  ,  the same thing to finally turn things around.  living on the streets was  ,  in many ways  ,  an eye opener.  crime was never limited  ,  filth followed him everywhere  ,  and hero's caused a horrid amount of property damage.  his multiple complaints to the town board  (  parks  ,  roads  ,  schools  —  all rebuilt at far too slow of a pace  )  caught the eye of a cleaning company.
            KEEGAN'S CONSTRUCTION & CLEANING :  a company focused solely on the aftermath of super powered battles.  for once  ,  he felt at home.  for once  ,  he was allowed to clean the absolute shit out of everything  ,  without being judged.




* heard u


@DECPTION    /     ITS A WORK IN PROGRESS!! it'll be out soon though trust


* drop the info on him asap im hungry i mean curious heh