i'm back with another very hot take: at the end of the day, debates are absolutely useless. when have debates actually changed anyones mind? when i say debates i mean about politics, gender, race etc... ( not about characters in media or food, because that's fun and interesting, and people can have different takes/opinions on these inconsequential things ). when people say "we should have a debate if you are so passionate about it", no one is going to change their stance at the end of it ( both the participants and their supporters ). people can be different and have different interests and personalities but still be friends/partners. but having different morals and political views ( which let's face it, politics is about morals and empathy ) can not make a relationship happen, otherwise you are also compramising yourself but also other people. that's why i get irritated and a little pissed off when people go on these jubilee vidoes, twitch streams and podcasts to debate someone who has a completely different view than them and expect to have postive outcome ( most of the time it's about feminism vs misogyny, democrat vs republican ). THESE PEOPLE SHOULD NOT HAVE A PLATFORM TO VOICE THEIR INHUMAN MORALS ON PEOPLE'S LIVES! no one is going to change with a debate, it's all about ego.