
Also guys, I love making book covers so I made about 6 of them for my one book oh my gosh. I'll be switching them out every once and a while because why not? :)


Well, after 2 month I finally had time and effort to post a new chapter! I apologize again for not posting sooner. I always end up procrastinating and I don't want to force myself to write a crappy chapter and instead wait and write one to the best of my ability. Also, I prefer writing short stories so I might start posting those soon as mini book series. (Like 1-3 chapters) So yeah! Thanks for the support! Over 1,250 reads! and all the votes! Love you guys! :)


Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter to "When Life Turns - A Bajan Canadian Fan Fiction" in a while. But one was just posted. I finally have an idea where this story is going. Thank you all for waiting this long! I really appreciate it! :) I love you all and hope you enjoy chapter 8! (Also, we are under 20 reads away from 1k reads! that's insane! thank you guys so much!)


Just posted a new chapter to my book. Kinda short but I should have another one out sometime this week. Decided to split a longer chapter into two so that I could get them out sooner. Hope you guys didn't miss me too much. :)