@TheStyclarSaga Ah you leave in London? I've been to France before, it was beautiful, but I've never been in the UK. I hope to go some time this summer when I'm on break! :D And yep! I'm a junk food person too. It's why I have to swim, or else I would be too lazy to do anything but just sit there and eat all day XD Aw I love pugs so much, they're adorable. c: Most small dogs I can't stand. We've got a german shephard and a half-wolf, half-husky mix and he's gorgeous but he likes to chew everything up D< he's a lover though. Yes I will xD I constantly switch back and forth in books so it'll probably swing back and forth between the two xD But I do love my bad boys! Alright, sleep well :D And you as well ^-^