

@Lckynmnr9 Fact that they need other people to remind them before they take down those books. Shouldn't it be common sense to not republish other's work without permission in the first place?


@Har1s_X Thing is, they would just remove everything because they don't own any of those books. Even if no other authors have replied to me, saying they would like the books to be removed, I'm pretty sure they would be pissed if they read my comment/review. Most of those authors aren't active anymore.


Hello author~ ^^ May I ask if you have the Grounded and Holon Stories? I checked it on recommended clexa stories but when I  open it, something is wrong. I cannot open it ㅠㅠ.  Can you upload it again?  (^ν^)


Hey, the author of In Another Life has requested (probably messaged you) for you to take down the copy of their book.


@mostunremarkable Bee_Charmer on AO3 wrote it. Just such their name and you can find it.


            Hi do you know where I can find the original author of In Another Life?



@Lckynmnr9 Fact that they need other people to remind them before they take down those books. Shouldn't it be common sense to not republish other's work without permission in the first place?


@Har1s_X Thing is, they would just remove everything because they don't own any of those books. Even if no other authors have replied to me, saying they would like the books to be removed, I'm pretty sure they would be pissed if they read my comment/review. Most of those authors aren't active anymore.


Hello :) can we have another update for “ Everything too lose” soon. It’s Avery interesting  story! 


Oh okay, thank you for letting me know! 


@fatimahmah18 The book doesn't belong to them. It belongs to another user on AO3. So no, there won't be an update unless the original author updates.


this message may be offensive
Listen I get that you tell people that they aren't yours, but it's still stealing. Point blank period. You didn't ask the author's permission to take their work, you didn't even link to the original stories so that people could go give the actual writers love. You just copy and pasted other people's hard work that they slaved over and took praise for it. Not even mentioning the actual author name is just ridiculous and rude on top of that. This is shitty, and in no uncertain terms, theft. I'm in a clexa writers discord (believe me, some of your all-time faves are there) and I can tell you the amount of time we've spent talking about how much we fucking hate when people do what you're doing is A Lot. None of us like it.  Please stop. Please delete. These authors you're doing this to do not appreciate it or think it's great that you love their fic enough to steal it. It just sucks.


          HI! I'm the author of "Grounded." Thanks for the disclaimer, but could you do the authors of these fics a favor and please instead link to the original story where it's posted? "Grounded" is originally posted at AO3, and technically, you should not be re-posting material written by other people in its entirety, whether it's fanfic or fic because people tend not to read fine print and they might not see your disclaimers and they might assume that you wrote it.  A better way to do this is to list the names of the fics and the authors and then link directly to the original site where the fic comes from without posting anything else. That way, you're still providing a service by listing recommended fics but you're ensuring that the original source and the actual author get the credit they deserve. You can contact me on Tumblr if you'd like to discuss this further: @andimarquette. Cheers.


Hello~ May I enter on this conversation? I have read some comments on Clexa fanfics how Holon and Grounded are beautifully written. I hope the original author will upload it again. Please support each other and stop  getting into trouble. I hope things will be fixed soon! Thank you ^^


@clexafics I have picture evidence of comments from three other authors who want their copied stories taken down too. Give me your email (not sure if I can send pics there) and I can give them to you. Please take down Fleimkepa, Holon and The White Queen Running.


i completely understand and will take down the story. Sorry if i credited you in the wrong way that wasnt my intention just wanted to share your amazing story and i can see now that i did that in the wrong way and for that i apologize. 