this message may be offensive
Hello everyone. First off, let me begin with an apology. Fate has been on hold for nearly a year...a weird year at that. I have started other projects aside from wattpad...I wrote a fucking musical, started 2 new books and have the begins of a second musical and a play. The creative mind is insane. But, after so many months, I am almost ready to come back. I have missed Astraea and her boys so badly. But most of all, I have missed you. Soon I will begin writing again because we are nearly finished. And considering how hard it has been finding motivation and breaks from work, I doubt there will be a sequel. So, in advance, I'm sorry for the ending I have planned. It's gonna be insane and you will hate me. But it may change because I want it to be final, I want the love, I want the angst and I want your validation. Thank you, if you're still with me. I have missed you.
Axel <3