
I'm 98% sure that no one is going to read Famous if I continue to edit and repudiate it so I'm most likely going to delete it. let me know if you really don't want me to. I have all of the chapters saved in the notes on my phone though 


sometimes I want to make a pregnancy fic simply because writers don't know that pregnancy last 40 weeks which is TEN MONTHS not nine and that although the pregnant person's due date is at the 40 week mark, they're considered full term at 37 weeks and multiples rarely, if ever, make it to full term let alone 40 weeks ILL GET OFF OF MY SOAPBOX NOW -Jae 


I know that I haven't updated in almost 2 months but I really have to focus on school at the moment. It my last year of high school and I'm really behind in two of my classes (but I was accepted the the university that I really want to go to though so that's a plus). I'll hopefully update over my Christmas break -Jae