Hey guys! I haven't updated in a while. *Hands you knife* You can stab me now. *You all stab the shit out of me*. Now that that's done, I have news! Crazy is being worked on, but might not be up for a while. I got a Tumblr! #goodbyelifehttp://malikswinchesterbarakat.tumblr.com just so ya know. I am working on my stories, but my inner demons keep fucking up my life. :P -J xx
My doctor said that my depression has gotten worse, sadly. I might not post today, if I do it's because I tried. I might not post because I'm trying to cope with it. But, I won't let my problems get in the way of writing for you lovely people. xx
I'm working on ch. 3 of Crazy RIGHT FUCKING NOW! While you're waiting, could you please give me a follow? (Shameless promoting haha) http://twitter.com/ZXYNSTILINSKI I love you! xx