
hi i'm working on something new  i know i've been inactive for awhile but i'm really excited about this okay


But then,your heart starts to hurt, your body starts to ache,your tears start to flood, and all the memories come back. You're not okay. You're not happy. You're dying from inside out,and nobody even bothers to notice. You feel like you're alone and everyone has given up on you. But,you have to believe me,you're not alone. I'm here. I'm right here holding your hand. I'm rubbing you back as you cry on my shoulder .Even if you can't see me or hear me, I'm here. And,i'm not going anywhere. Because I know it feels like to want to just throw it all away and say "fuck it." I know what it feels like to think " I'm not worth it. Nobody cares about me and everyone leaves. So It's my turn. I'm going to be the one who leave this time and leaving THEM hurting and alone. ",but,love, you're so incredibly worth it. Your life matters to me. I care about you and I don't want you to go anywhere. I know it tough,but hang it there. Do it for me. Do it for everyone who's ever told you they LOVED you. I'm so sorry you have to wear this fake smile every day, but stay strong. Stay strong and hold on to the mystery of tomorrow. You always were girl who was fighting to people stop cutting,what's happened now?!... #Dedicated,again.  
          (Part Two of the previous post)