
I have an idea for a play I want to write, and it would be set in 1950s Europe. It's about a young adult female who starts having odd dreams about a man she has never met, nor seen. She starts to fall in love with him throughout the dreams. Progressively becoming more realistic until she bases her entire reality upon the dreams, and her infatution with this unknown man. Give me any opinions on this, because I really want to write this.


I have an idea for a play I want to write, and it would be set in 1950s Europe. It's about a young adult female who starts having odd dreams about a man she has never met, nor seen. She starts to fall in love with him throughout the dreams. Progressively becoming more realistic until she bases her entire reality upon the dreams, and her infatution with this unknown man. Give me any opinions on this, because I really want to write this.


hiya! sorry if I'm bothering you right now ^^
          how are you doing? just wanna chat with an old friend.


Yeah, and I might have to come over there and fight some kiddos *Scary breadstick snapping noises* sorry I didn't reply btw I fell asleep


Psh that's true in my case, almost. Seriously some of the kids in my school don't like me.....for some, odd apparent reason. I've been called racist insults and been made fun of basically everything about me. Whatever your case is, hopefully some of those loser stick it up and learn their place.


@BandanaQueen I have good grades, but the people there are rude besides my friend group.