
I know I’ve been MIA for literally years, but if I picked up my last story in the Life of the Hockey Sister series where it left off, who would read??  Let me know if I should finish it or not!


I know I’ve been MIA for literally years, but if I picked up my last story in the Life of the Hockey Sister series where it left off, who would read??  Let me know if I should finish it or not!


Hello, I just wanted to let you know how great I think your books are, and how wonderful a writer you are. You have also helped me to see how much I need God in my life, especially in the difficult times. Thank you! I was also wondering if there would be any chance that you could continue Life of a Hockey Sister? Again thanks so much for all that you do with your writing.


Hey I just finished up reading  reading all you have done on the my life as a hockey sister and o thoroughly enjoyed them. I really appreciated your use of religion in the story. I myself am a Christian as well. I wanted to thank you because I realized I need to prioritize my goals and better rely on God!


@BaileeOzbirn I'm really glad to hear that and glad it helped. To God be the glory I'm just His vessel :)


I know it's been a while but would anyone like me to continue "The Life of a Hockey Sister" series? I know I fell behind but if you want me too please reply :)


Yessssss please update I love the book


@cloclobird Yes of course. Please continue