


Anyways happy birthday to haechan! I cant believe another year has passed with me watching cute compilation videos of him and crying at night to the sound of his voice. He’s made my life all the more exciting just by being able to listen and watch him grow up. I hope the best for our fullsun and i truly am proud to call myself a sunflower <33


This might be quick and I might regret it late but I don’t care. I’m kinda not comfortable with the whole concept of books and such so I’ve taken it upon myself to delete all my books. This might not be the greatest idea but that’s ok. But I’d rather read than post books if I’m being truthfully honest. I like having ideas and writing them out but they just get boring  and being the impulsive Sagittarius I am I don’t want to look at my profile to see books. I want to see lists and my little bio instead ;)