hey guys
i know i've been gone for quite a while and i just wanted to say i am so sorry!
last year i got a job as a copywriter for a awful boss and it completely ruined my love, passion and drive for writing. whoever said "if you make your job your passion you will never work a day in your life" or whatever, lied!
it was so bad i honestly thought i'd never write again. that whole experience took something from me and it almost took writing from me.
i'm trying to find my way back but it has been such a long and difficult journey.
i'm doing my best, i promise.
but guys, don't make the same mistake as me. keep your passions for yourself, they are yours- don't give them away, don't give away pieces of yourselves.
also i've been trying to look for a job in a country with the highest youth unemployment in the world and it has been brutal.
life is so hard sometimes but it is what it is- we move.