
Hey so I know it has been too long. But writer’s block and just general life problems have just hit me so hard. But two very good friends (K, L, O, and C, you all know who you are) have helped me and I’m going to try and come back. Scarlet and the A-List WILL BE FINISHED 


@cloudy_skye123 hi, how's the writers block going?


Hey so I know it has been too long. But writer’s block and just general life problems have just hit me so hard. But two very good friends (K, L, O, and C, you all know who you are) have helped me and I’m going to try and come back. Scarlet and the A-List WILL BE FINISHED 


@cloudy_skye123 hi, how's the writers block going?


Listen, I know it’s been awhile. I was having a lot of personal problems. But I am back now! I already posted a new chapter and another should be up by the end of the day. Thank you for sticking with me, hopefully I can keep up from now on. I love you all so much! 


Hey guys! I know the updates have been slow and I’ve seen some decline in followers (not that follower counts matter) so I’m sorry if I’ve been disappointing you. The new update is out today and with luck another will be out tomorrow. School and theater and such have just not been the great for me as of late, I’ve been getting really anxious, so any positive encouragement would be greatly appreciated. 
          I love all of you so so much! 


I’m really sorry about this latest chapter. It’s really trash. But, tbh, I just wasn’t feeling it. I tried rewriting this specific chapter in so many different ways but nothing felt right. Sorry in advance 


@cloudy_skye123 Oh you are fine! I enjoy your stories! And whenever you get a chance, I made up some stories myself and you are welcome to read them ^ ^


Hey everyone! Sooooooo...Scarlet won an award! I’m sure you’ve all seen, and that makes me really super happy. So, I was trying to think of something special to do, in honor of this momentous occasion, and I thought maybe I could post a cast list? Would you guys like that? Just as a little special and extra thing. I’m having a hard time with some of the characters (mostly Scarlet and Belle) so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! 