I write poetry in class on here, would anyone care if I posted it? Mostly for me, and there's a large tw on all of it tbh but idk... I'm just thinking about it
I write poetry in class on here, would anyone care if I posted it? Mostly for me, and there's a large tw on all of it tbh but idk... I'm just thinking about it
Heyyyy,,,, sorry for like... Dying on y'all lmao. I'm getting back into writing now, but basically my life kinda just took a downward spiral & I was really struggling but I'm getting better y'all so talk to you soon!
What’s up nerds? Lol sorry. But anyways, so I have a lot of poems and I was wondering if you guys would like wanna read them because I’m more than willing to post them. Idk, just a thought. Let me know!
Keep reading friends!
I am SOO excited for the new episode of Sally Face!! It came out the 30 but I have to wait til Sunday to play because my friend and I are playing it together! You guys should totally go watch Sally Face!
Also, do you guys have any Steam game recommendations??
So I know my book is taking a long ass time and I’m really sorry about that. But, on the good newsss
I soon will be posting a set of “side stories” in the same universe. This book will describe the watches and give you some before hand knowledge of how things will work in the real story.
Thank you for reading, and have a good day my friends! <3
I love this freaking book, it deals with emotional things and make sure to read to warning at the beginning, but this novel is absolutely amazing. I love the writer and they did a totally fantastic job and you guys should read it. ❤️
Hi.. Please don’t be mad at me! I am working on a new long book and I’m re-editing all my other stories, and when I’ve gotten them all re-edited and fixed and another chapter for all of them up I will start posting semi regularly again. I’m so sorry I’ve been inactive as crap. I redid my description if you want to read that but once again I’m so sorry. Please have a great day and keep reading. <3