
@mjriedstra :) will do.


Please check out my story if you can!
          Name: Come...Fall In Love!
          Genre: Non-Teen Fiction / ChickLit
          Description: Arranged marriages are not something I'd settle for! I believe in love stories, I believe that I'll find my prince charming one day!" Kathy always said this to herself.
          "Love and relationships are all fake. It's all crap! I don't want to waste my time behind all this stuff!" Ronnie said.
          Little did they know that there was someone who'd already planned things in a different way, in His style! Destiny made this wedding happen and now it was their duty to make this 'relation' work. Do you think they'll fall in love ever? Come find out!
          Come...Fall In Love!
          Please give me your reviews on the book if you can!


@mjriedstra I've wanted to write for a while now, but I have always been too busy. Finally I decided what I was going to write and the next day my son came home from school and told me about this great trip he wants to go on. The trip is to London, Normandy and Paris for the 70th Anniversary of D-Day.
          When he told me that I decided to write a different story and sell it as a fundraiser for his trip. It's going well so far, and I'm thinking about publishing a sample on wattpad to help generate interest. I just need ti get the cover art first. 
          I've always been a voracious reader. I've added your book to my library and I'll have a look when I put my pen away for the night.


          For as long as I can remember, I've been both.
          Reading was my favorite thing in the world, until I discovered that writing is reading with the bonus of being able to direct the story.
          If you'd like, feel free to check out some of my work.

          It's a decent-sized sample of my published novel. I have high hopes that people will enjoy it, but it's oddly difficult to find anyone who will take a chance on something they aren't already familiar with. Especially when not targeting the teen audience.
          Are you a writer as well, or mainly a reader?


Hi there. I saw you post in the "over 25" thread and also saw that you were Canadian. As possibly the only two Canadians over 25 in the whole of Wattpad, maybe we can be friends or something.
          If we're not too old to remember what we're talking about.