Hey pumpkin pies! (@ThePurpleCrystalDiva ur the only waffle now ig lmao)
I just published my third cover shop "Felicity" and that's where all the new requests and issues will be addressed.
As it is sad I want able to fill up "Divine", my customers matter more to me, so hopefully this doesn't turn into a huge mess again :)
For all the people who's requests are still on hold or haven't been completed, please re-request in Felicity, and I'll have them done there.
This is because due to the time that has passed, some people don't want their graphics anymore, and I don't want to waste time making covers for people who don't even want them.
I'm trying to prioritize and I deeply want to get my covers to the people who actually need them :) so if you have decided you still want your cover, just request here again!
Extremely sorry for this inconvenience!!!