
*  letting  out  a  small  sigh  at  the  mention  of  his  retirement  ,  he  tried  not  to  let  it  get  to  him  as  much.  Chuckling  when  he  felt  childe  flinch  from  the  scare  ,  though  he  decided  not  to  say  anything  just  to  make  the  other  think  he  didn’t  feel  /see/  nothing  .  Raising  a  brow  feeling  the  arm  wrap  around  him  he  leaned  in  just  to  get  more  comfortable.  *   I  say  it’s  you  who  might  need  the  protecting  ,  childe.  


*  letting  out  a  chuckle  he  focused  on  the  movie  ,  it  had  been  a  while  since  he  had  watched  this  film  so  he  had  forgotten  about  the  plot  and  scares  that  were  about  to  pass.  humming  and  looking  over  at  the  ginger  he  chuckled  ,  a  little  embarrassed  he  got  caught.  *   oh  yeah  ,  it’s  been  a  while  since  I’ve  actually  watched  a  movie.  


*  reaching  he  grabbing  some  popcorn  and  ate  it  ,  it  had  been  a  while  since  he’s  been  to  the  movies  or  has  ate  popcorn  in  general  so  eating  it  now  was  like  having  it  for  the  first  time.   *   Childe  what  have  I  said  before  ?  I  won’t  get  scared  it’s  just  a  movie  with  a  few  scares  there  isn’t  nothing  to  fear. 


*  lost  in  his  own  thoughts  he  hummed  in surprised  at  the  beep  of  the  microwave  ,  taking  the  bag  out  of  there  almost  dropping  it  from  how  hot  it  was.  Pouring  the  popcorn  into  a  bowl  he  then  walked  back  to  childe  ,  sitting  in  the  empty  seat  next  to  him  before  putting  the  bowl  in  the  gingers  lap.  * 


as  I  said  it  was  a  long  time  ago  ,  but  alright  .   *  the  male  hummed  and  got  up  walking  to  the  kitchen  ,  roaming  his  eyes  around  before  reaching  to  the  cabinet  and  grabbing  the  box  of  popcorn  ,  carefully  opening  it  gently  grabbing  a  bag  out  before  closing  the  box  and  placing  it  back.  opening  the  plastic  wrap  that  held  the  popcorn  bag  in  it  ,  he  threw  it  away  and  popped  it  in  the  microwave  before  setting  it  for  2  minutes .  *