Will most likely delete this account on a nearby future. This whole fandom has been being more than I can handle and I don't want to be in something that hurts me.
@PricklyHedgie Of course <3 you deserve it! Thanks for the suggestions ❤️ I think I'll be thinking about it until then. And regarding Discord: I don't have an account there, so in this case I would have to create one. But I really appreciate it! I will think carefully about your words, thank you for your concern <3
@wwwcocoabits I will try to remember that, thank you hon <3 That's fair - the future is uncertain. If it's any consolation, you could always just leave the account up but not go on it (the best of both worlds, unless the fandom is too much that it's better to just cut them off - in which case, I definitely don't judge, and you should go whatever route helps you the most). That's very sweet honey, and I appreciate that. If you want, we could stay in touch with Discord? (You can say no, that's totally ok! I just figured it was worth offering)