To the few that are following me (for a reason that escapes me...!), I just wanted to tell you that if you are actually curious about my reading lists, I can give you a tour. The "good stories" are stories which are completed, and that I enjoyed very much, and I would recommend reading. Then there is the "absolute favorites", which are stories that I finished in one day because I couldn't put the damn book down. They are definitely some jewels (well, all related to my own taste of course). The "dropped" ones are not always very very bad. It could be as well, that I couldn't be bothered to finish the story because it was too cliche, or it was too slow in pace, and I just couldn't hang in there. But believe me, I try hard before dropping a story. I always go at least half through the book, believing that "now it is going to start/change/get better. If it does, then I finish the book and put it in the "room for improvement" list, otherwise, I give up. So the "room for improvement" are stories with potential that is not fulfilled. As for my "waiting completion", I just created it because I hate to wait for a story. I need to read at my pace, and therefore, only read completed stories (unless asked specifically).
My last list is the "read sequel", and it just contains the book that I finished and liked so that I remember to check on the sequel to read when it is finished. Again, hate to hang on a cliff hanger and have to wait 20 days for the next chapters! Argh! (No offend to the writters! I have a deep deep admiration for them and respect their time and sweat which is needed to write a book. I just prefer to wait completion! :D )
All right, so cheers, and if you want me to read a book/your book because you feel that my opinion would be of use, do not hesitate. I even do special requests for unfinished books when I get asked.
And again, why follow me when I am the most inconspicuous profile out there? haha!
Have a good day!