
Surprise! My first bit of fanfiction in 5-6 years and it’s a modern Minecraft youtuber soulmate AU one shot...
          	Find it on AO3:


Hi there! I used to read your fan fiction about the cube ALL THE TIME when the cube was in full force! I saw one of your posts with new fan fiction from the dream smp and I watch them too! Coincidentally, I’m also a computer science major (going into my junior year), which is wild. I hope you’re doing well out there!


Hello everyone, long time no see. I've recently rediscovered this account and thought I would type out an update for anyone still here--and also a little bit of thanks.
          I am going into my junior year of college this year, which is crazy, considering that the last time I checked this account was going into my senior year of high school. I've grown so much since the days where I posted fanfiction on here. Life has changed me in the best ways. Some highlights:
          - I've been dating my first boyfriend since October of 2018 <3
          - I am now on my SECOND YEAR as a freshman introductory camp (fish camp) counselor for my university
          - I am a Computer Science major with a minor in Video Game Design!
          - I have met my best friends in the whole world at my university. They have all changed my life in so many ways and I couldn't be more grateful.
          There's a lot of bad among the good, but I try to be optimistic. I am about to welcome another group of freshmen to my university (online, of course), and one of the jokes that always comes up in my camps is my "minecraft youtuber fanfictions", which made me think about this account again. The name of our discussion group, A Thousand Miles for Reality Exiles, last year was even based off of Pixel. I am eternally grateful for the role fanfiction has played in my life and how it has fueled my love of writing and of storytelling. I'm grateful that I got to touch so many lives through my stories. And even though the Cube is long gone, I know they changed all of our lives too, and I hope wherever they are, they are all happy as can be.
          Thank you, the readers, for everything you gave my high school self. You all gave me the validation I needed when I wrote, and as a Words of Affirmation girl, every comment genuinely made my day. I hope you are all doing as well as you can be in this difficult time, and I hope you enjoyed reading this blast from your past, however small it may seem <3
          With love,
          Aimee (Cherry)


This indeed was a blast from the past. I'm so glad you're doing well and I hope good things keep coming your way. Thank you for the great fan fictions and the sweet sweet memories. 
            Keep on keeping on


Hi guys! Cherry here with another life update for you ^-^
          As of now, it's almost the end of summer and I'll be going into my senior year of high school (eek!) in a bit less than a month. It's honestly absolutely insane to think that I've had this Wattpad account since my 7th grade year (now 12th)... and although I haven't done any writing but my English essays and now college admissions essays (!) in months, I'm *still getting reads, votes, and comments* on my old Cube works. And thanks to you guys, I was actually able to include Wattpad in one of my college essays as something that's changed my life. 
          Junior year was stressful as ever, but I managed to finish strong and keep my straight A average, landing at 8th in my class at the end of the year and pulling off a 3 in AP Chemistry, a 5 in AP US History, and a 5 in AP English 3. This next year promises to be even worse with more AP classes and college stuff to deal with, but the perks of senior year are already starting to come in, as well :) I also got my first job over the summer and, as of this moment, am still going strong.
          A close friend of mine also introduced me to Overwatch back in December, and I've been addicted ever since, so if any of you play Overwatch on PS4 and want to add me, send me a message! My PSN is CodeCherry <3
          I don't have any forseeable comeback planned, as I haven't done fiction writing in the better part of a year, but I truly thank each and every one of you who continues to support my work even after all this time. My works on here, particularly Pixel, are some of my proudest creative pieces, and I'm so happy that I've managed to touch so many people with them. 
          Though I'm not writing, I'm still answering messages (not comments, there's too many of those), so feel free to send me one at any time. Thanks again, and I love you guys <3
          ~ Cherry


Hello everyone; Cherry here with a life update~
          So I'm now 7-8 weeks into Junior year, and it's just as stressful as I predicted. I have hours of homework every day and my AP classes are killer. But I do have my advanced graphics class, which I'm super excited about! We just made our first t-shirts and are working on vinyl buttons, and we have loads of expensive equipment that I'm very, very lucky to be able to have access to. Overall, the years been pretty so-so.
          As far as writing goes, I don't think I've had a true muse in months now. In fact, it's been steadily disappearing as the months go by--and it upsets me so much. I'm blaming the stress and emotional crisis I've had over the past 1-2 years for ruining my writing creativity... So unfortunately, I don't have any writing to offer. However, if you're reading this, I'm incredibly grateful that you're still here. And I still, to this day, get new readers on the Pixel series, which I find incredible and uplifting. To anyone here, I love you all; I apologize for my lack of muse.
          Hopefully I'll see you all again soon!
          ~ Cherry


@code_cherry It's ok Cherry, hang in there, we'll all still be here waiting for you when you come back :D