
Good evening, my fellow pirates. I know itā€™s late, and I apologize, but I need to run something by you, and I honestly want your take on aā€¦ delicate situation.  I know some people frown on personal drama and all that, but I donā€™t know how to go about something. So Iā€™m just gonna let it out: how do you cut someone off from your life while also being respectful about it? I know as your captain, I shouldnā€™t be burdening you with this, but I donā€™t know what to do. Someone I thought I looked up to is no longer that person, and I feel like theyā€™re just dragging me down to their level intentionally. How would you go about it? Would you just say youā€™re done and over it, or do something different? What would you do in this situation?


@codwarhero98 just walk away silently and cut off all contact from there as then the ball will be in your court and you'll have a full hand of cards to play the waiting game cause then if the person you looked up to really cared about you then it'll be up to them to make the next move but if they continue on like nothing really happened then you'll know that the person never cared about you and from there it's up to you on what you want to do cause the more you push/fight back it's giving that person what they want hence why I said just silently walk away and cut off all contact with them


Good evening, my fellow pirates. I know itā€™s late, and I apologize, but I need to run something by you, and I honestly want your take on aā€¦ delicate situation.  I know some people frown on personal drama and all that, but I donā€™t know how to go about something. So Iā€™m just gonna let it out: how do you cut someone off from your life while also being respectful about it? I know as your captain, I shouldnā€™t be burdening you with this, but I donā€™t know what to do. Someone I thought I looked up to is no longer that person, and I feel like theyā€™re just dragging me down to their level intentionally. How would you go about it? Would you just say youā€™re done and over it, or do something different? What would you do in this situation?


@codwarhero98 just walk away silently and cut off all contact from there as then the ball will be in your court and you'll have a full hand of cards to play the waiting game cause then if the person you looked up to really cared about you then it'll be up to them to make the next move but if they continue on like nothing really happened then you'll know that the person never cared about you and from there it's up to you on what you want to do cause the more you push/fight back it's giving that person what they want hence why I said just silently walk away and cut off all contact with them


My fellow Piratesā€¦ another year has come, and the previous has been put to rest. Letā€™s all raise a glass to celebrate the start of another year. To newcomers who have joined our band of tale lovers. To those who have fallen to Davy Jones, may their souls rest in peace. But most importantly, to our brave soldiers who fight to end a tyranny in the name of freedom. TO THE NEW YEAR!!!


My fellow piratesā€¦ this day marks another year of gifts, presents, and maybe some spiked eggnog wherever you may enjoy. So I say to you, may your days be merry, your fires warm, your hatches battened down. Hereā€™s to hoping that 2025 isnā€™t a complete mess like the last couple of years have been. Until next time, this is Captain Harlock, release the dark matter.


Good morning, my fellow pirates. Sooo, I have a bit of an interesting question for you all. My question: for my Destiny X RWBY story, what do you think the Hive-Grimm should be named? Iā€™m open to suggestions, and I will pick whatever I think would fit best.


@Speed-Boy itā€™s definitely an interesting take on it. I was kinda expecting it to follow the whole persona series like the palaces and all that, but your story is definitely an interesting twist on it.


@codwarhero98 How are you enjoying Spider-Man in Persona 5 Royal?


Think of how the hive look in Destiny, and then add Grimm features. Similar behaviors though. Like for an example, a simple Hive Acolyte with a dark body and a Grimm skull with  the hive emblem engraved between their eyes. Iā€™m not really an artist, so I canā€™t provide visual representation.


My fellow piratesā€¦ my brothers and sisters of the seasā€¦ we enter yet another time of giving and receiving. Though we gain more crew by the day, I know there are even more who Davy Jones takes when their times are up. I pray and hope that every one of you has a merry Christmas, and prep your rum for the next year. Hereā€™s to hoping that next year will be even better than the last. Until thenā€¦ this is Captain Harlockā€¦ release the dark matter.


Greetings, my fellow pirates. Itā€™s been seven years since I first joined Wattpad, 5 since I first started writing. I apologize for myā€¦ lack of new entries of my tales. Latelyā€¦ my seas have become choppy, and unsteady. The clouds overhead have left me uneasy. I know that is no excuse. And for that, I am sorry. I know how anxious the crew gets without a captain giving direction or hearing from him/her. Lately, Iā€™ve been reading other tales, hoping to get some inspiration for mine, butā€¦ I havenā€™t. I have so many stories that need some work, but I justā€¦ canā€™t. I know, ā€œWhat good is a story if thereā€™s nothing left to add to it?ā€ I donā€™t know if I should keep writing, I donā€™t know if I shouldnā€™t, I donā€™t know. My fellow piratesā€¦ Iā€™m lost. In the beginning, I had so much inspiration, and I loved writing stories. But nowā€¦ I just feel like a shell of what I once used to be. Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™ll still be here if you have any questions for me. My quarters are always open if Iā€™m needed. Until thenā€¦ this is Captain Harlockā€¦ remain on standby.


@codwarhero98 May you lead us through on these stormy seas capt'n


Greetings, my fellow pirates.  It has come to my attention that Wattpad has decided toā€¦ be a bit of aā€¦ whatā€™s the wordā€¦ dirtbag? Because apparently, it is saying that I need to update my stories in order to maintain the ā€œalgorithm?ā€ Or otherwise, mark it as ā€œcomplete.ā€ Now some of my fellow authors misinterpreted this as ā€œmark as complete, update the said story, or risk the stories of being deleted.ā€ This is not the case. Wattpad has basically developed a Karen function, and messaged all authors ā€” at least some of the ones I read from ā€” to do this to maintain their stories for their algorithms. Me personally?? I donā€™t care about that. My stories are just that: stories for people to enjoy for their own leisure. I will update my stories when Iā€™m able to, not because an app told me to. Now I will admit that I might have something in the works for some stories. You will just have to wait and see what will be posted on the bounty boards, lads and lassies. And when that day comes, Iā€™ll be expecting ye all in the tavern to lend an ear for the tales I have. So plunder the tales of the cyber seas, raise the spirits of the down trodden in some commentaries, and maybe share a drink with your dear captain. But until thenā€¦ this is Captain Harlockā€¦ release the dark matter.


My fellow piratesā€¦ I have returned. In case my last update wasnā€™t evident enough. I know these times have been troubling for some due to my absence, and even more so for me. But rest easy, my dear crew. Your fearless leader has returned. May not update as much due to job hunting being all the rage, but I will still be here. I hope my crew has been doing well. I need you lads and lassies in ship shape for raiding these raging seas of amazing tales. That saidā€¦ batten down the hatches, unfurl the mainsails!! This is your captainā€¦ release the dark matter!!


@codwarhero98 It will be done Captain


@codwarhero98 Hay yay Captain!?!


My fellow piratesā€¦ this dayā€¦ I will not lie. I have lost my job. Iā€™m shattered from thisā€¦ actually, shattered canā€™t even compare to my mental state right now. While this would normally be considered a time to catch up on my writing, Iā€™m also unable to because of my state of being. I made a big mistake at my workplaceā€¦ and I have to pay because of it. My fellow piratesā€¦ my friends, I confess that Iā€™m not always honestā€¦ but I am honest to those that I trust, and I trust you guys and girls, or whoever reads my stories. Soā€¦ it pains me to say that Iā€™m taking a leave of absence from my ship. Just long enough to get my bearings back, get a new job, and focus on myself for a while. Iā€™ll see if I can get a new chapter out somewhere, but no promises. Until thenā€¦ this is Captain Harlockā€¦ bringing the ship into port.


@codwarhero98 Hope we see you again Captain and hope you feel better soon it would be sad to see a great story teller go to Davy Jones locker and I'm not gonna lie would love to see the return of the story Sin of remnant but that's just me hope you feel better soon good luck our Captain 


I hope you get better my man. Till we see you again Captain.


Greetings, my fellow piratesā€¦ I know itā€™s early in the morning for someā€¦ for me, itā€™s 02:11 CST when I started this. Itā€™s come to my attention that some of myā€¦ works arenā€™t up to snuff on certain things, like ā€œI donā€™t like how this turned out,ā€ or ā€œwhy canā€™t we get X, Y or Z?ā€ Well, I want to extend an apology if my works arenā€™t to your likings. Truly, I do. Itā€™s from that critique that I learn about my readers. If I lose someoneā€™s interest, Iā€™m sure others will gain it. If something isnā€™t their cup of coffee so to say, I make tweaks based on suggestions or other things I find in the comments. And to those that just donā€™t like my storiesā€¦ find something else instead of wasting a few words. If you donā€™t like it, move on to a different story. I write my stories for myself. If a few people like them, all the power to them. If some donā€™t, move to another story. Iā€™m fine with it either way. Okayā€¦ rant over. Serious note, thank you readers for checking out my stories, even though some I would probably consider trash. That saidā€¦ this is Captain Harlockā€¦ turning in for the night.