
Billy Loomis, ladies and gentlemen


Hold on before I forget-
          Make the characters go swimming!
          I'm saying this because I just finished in THE most chlorinated pool ever. And usually after we go swimming, we get McDonald's. Or timmies. Swimming probably wasn't the best for me rn but it had been some time and the snow is melting here so I'm trying to do something every weekend and I haven't been swimming since February.


I need to get my thoughts straight 
          Optimus Prime = straight
          Ratchet = closeted gay, maybe pan 
          Mirage = openly bi and proud
          Drift = gay
          Crosshairs = pansexual
          Megatron = ace
          Star scream = closeted gay
          Arcee = straight 
          Knockout = openly gay
          Bumblebee = pansexual


this message may be offensive
In case you guys are wondering: I hate 2024. 
          Nine minutes in I broke my fucking toe and a week later my stupid chronic illness flares. Then it starts snowing for once which makes the outside too cold to go out because I am intolerant to the cold, which on turn makes the heat in the house go up to what feels like one thousand and beyond and I have complete intolerance to heat as well, so I'm always sweaty and nothing helps. I mean nothing.
          On top of that I can't fucking walk or climb the stairs barely my skin won't stop breaking out in a bunch of pimples  and I can go a day without getting a headache or migraine.