
Aye! Thanks for adding my books to your reading list (*゚∀゚) and also for the follow! Here's hoping we can become friends in the future. (^^♪


            That is intriguing :) and yes, I agree. I’m not too bothered about using my name, after all it’s quite a common one anyways XD And you too ^^


@coffeeandice Haha, remnants of my past that got dragged along!
            And hey, nothing wrong with that! It kinda gives that friendly and trustworthy vibe not usually found when using an alias, so it's all good~ Either way, it's nice to meet you again!


            Oh, that’s interesting :o It is a good name, in any case :) I think it carries a lot of meaning ^^
            And yes, it is XD I’m a little uncreative (if that’s a word?) so I struggled to think of an alias, and ended up just using my name hahah