


and am i writing a short story about a serial killer dark romance?
          is there smut in it?
          also yes.
          do we want it on wattpad?
          tell me! ;)


@Liebesblick atelophobia just in case you wanna read it hehe


hello my beloved fellas!
          okay, i know halloween and october is already a bit ago, but i love michael myers so much, i decide to dedicate a whole short book to him! i also have an imagines book, with a sneak peak to the book.
          The book is called "Atelophobia" meaning; the fear of not being enough.
          It's a short book (4,6k words) and it has 13 pages on a pdf folder. If you're under 18, I do not suggest you to read the book, since it has major trigger warnings.
          These are the two things, for all my slasher wh0res 
          - knife play 
          - blood kink


Hello, uh I'm alive.
          Many things changed in my life somehow.
          I moved out from my parents home :( No mama bear food anymore :,) But I'll visit them as often as I can. I moved to my boyfriend's place, which is reall great. Wherever I turn I see horses, cows or chicken. LMAO
          I also try to start writing on here again, I maybe have an idea, but I don't know till when I will post it, so I guess it's a surprise.
          Thanks for reading,
          see ya.


auch an alle meine deutschen leser:
          ich möchte mit wattpad aufhören. hier zu schreiben ist riesiger druck, mit welchem ich zurzeit einfach nicht umgehen kann.
          - Sehnsucht zu dir werde ich nicht mehr schreiben: das Buch habe ich in meiner T-Low hochphase gehört. Mittlerweile find ich den irgendwo cringe lol
          - Es kommt sich keine Vorgeschichte zu jeglichen Charakteren.
          Falls ihr mit mir in Kontakt bleiben wollt, schreibt mir einfach :)


at this point, i want to say my last goodbye here. i just realized that writing books and posting them on here is so much pressure and i can't take that. i still keep my books up and you can always text me. i just won't update anymore.
          thank you for being such a support throughout my books. i love you all so much. you have no idea what your comments were doing to me. i laugh and cry to them.
          much love, take care