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...   do   you   ALWAYS   carry   that   rusty   coin   with   you  ??


❛ㅤ doㅤyouㅤALWAYSㅤcarryㅤthatㅤannoyingㅤ[yap]ㅤwithㅤyou?ㅤ❜ ㅤaㅤscathedㅤthumbㅤrunsㅤoverㅤtheㅤsilverㅤdollarㅤinㅤquestion,ㅤasㅤherㅤqueryㅤspurrsㅤonㅤaㅤbitㅤofㅤselfㅤ-ㅤcautiousness.ㅤit'sㅤNOTㅤrusty!ㅤjustㅤaㅤlilㅤwornㅤbyㅤweatherㅤ...


"What is it this time? Do you need my help with some sorta plan again? Or is it something completely different this time?"


"Makes sense, sometimes flipping for it is a better option anyways. Especially in scenarios like this one when it comes to something different."


            [ㅤ@RIDDLEMETH1SBATMAN ㅤ]ㅤ


"Hey, it's going to be alright. You won't have to worry about a thing once we get this situation patched up."


"No, but I'd like it to be possible for you to believe that." Ed knew they probably wouldn't believe that, but he wanted to at least do something for them. He did feel bad for them "if you like I can have someone fix the suit for you. Since I know someone who does a great job on fixing them up and making it look like nothing happened."
            The Riddler thought it wouldn't hurt to make that offer, he would do what he could to make it up to the other rogue. Edward did consider them to be a friend, and a great ally to have, especially when working together, despite the possibility of disagreements that could happen.
            Eddie didn't really react much to the glare, yet he could tell how two-face had felt. He couldn't blame him though at all, and he'd do his best to be understanding. 
            "Of course not, I could never take you as a fool. You're one of the more intelligent, and bearable rogues that I'm content with being around. Besides, there are more than enough fools out there already, plus they've all taken the spot of fool."


            [   @RIDDLEMETH1SBATMAN   ]


"I am not difficult at all! I have no damn idea what makes you think that I am when that's one hundred percent false! It wouldn't surprise me if some worthless, extremely thick-headed "hero," or other villains told you that!"
          ?/sorry this is late, I was a bit exhausted yesterday


?/the only understandable reaction in a situation like that
            Making Harvey laugh was not exactly what Edward had expected when he had made the empty threat. He didn't know if he should feel proud about this, but his day has certainly been quite interesting after witnessing this, he restrained from letting out a chuckle and joining the other. Grinning broadly, he could try and check on them, since he isn't used to making people laugh.
            "Are you both alright after that? I was almost concerned at first."




?/indeed it is </3 trying to think about how batman would react if he saw this going on
            Edward glared, as he watched them flip the coin. He'd probably end up looking mad during this whole ordeal, all he has to do was try and calm down so things don't escalate,  but with him getting offended at what is being said to him that might be a bit difficult to work with, considering how defensive he can get.
            "My suit is indeed valuable, but I don't celebrate saint patrick's day, nor am I a saint, which I'm surprised you'd say that despite one of your suits looking like it was made by a company that sells dice. I'd rather not have things get worse, and risk having two Dents in a wall."


"Something feels off about this, it's a bit too quiet. I also don't seem to see any of the "heroes" that usually pop out of nowhere whenever we plan something like this."
          ?/I hope this is good enough


Edward rolled his eyes, holding back from talking back so he doesn't alert anyone. He rested a purple gloved hand on  his cane, while also keeping in mind to wield it as a melee weapon, if it is needed in this situation. He then squinted in the direction where the other was pointing at, he looked out the window to see if that his suspicions are right.
            "that could most certainly be it, unless anyone else somehow got into the building and we didn't notice."




?/thank you very much!
            "I'm not even close to a sissy, I just have my suspicions. Especially considering how people always seem to be quiet whenever they ruin things for us." Edward calmly responded, trying not to get too upset in case he /does/ alert someone. Yet he was looking around every now and then just in case he spots anything.