
umm.... omfg looking at my old posts are so cringey i cannot believe i was like 13 UM BYE




Hello! I know we've never talked nor met, but I love the concept of your story A Face Worth Keeping (Pavi Largo xreader) but noticed that you haven't updated it since 2016. I wanted to ask if I could possibly continue the story. I would give you the credit for the idea of the story but I would love to try to keep the story going. If not, that's completely fine! Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day!


@coke-flavored-socks alright! I can't wait to see what you'll do with the story! It was incredible and caught me right from the start. I hope you have a great day!


@LilithDecay31 Hi there :) I truly appreciate your interest in my work, especially in that one as it is what I imagine to be one of my risky creative endeavours, walking the line between what is controversial and what is expected from a dystopian reality such as that. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to decline your offer as although it has been 4 years or so (I think I started writing that book when I was 14?) I do have plans to continue all my works, and even post them on a different platform such as AO3. In the meantime, thank you so much for asking! And thanks for your understanding, I hope the little imagination of that possible scenario with Pavi stirred you in some way! ;) 


this message may be offensive
Maybe you're getting annoyed with the fact that I'm not updating any of my fanfics. Well frankly speaking, for one I don't have a lot of time to do my own thing, and also I had planned out the whole book of Mon Chou right down to the ending and I had stored it in my notes, back when I was on a Windows Phone. Then I restarted the phone or something, and the notes were gone. All my shit. I wrote the whole goddamn plan and it was deleted so easily. Anyway that discouraged me so much like I have to rethink about what I planned lmao


mY pUssY tAstEs lIkE pEpsI cOlA ;o)


@peach-sodas i know your habits love ❤️


Or maybe I'm more wild because you left me to untame myself. 


I'm going to publish something that contains all my stories thus far and also updates from time to time. I couldn't care less about reading it, so I don't blame you if you don't want to. 
          But if you do, then you can keep up to date on the various tingz that cool kids (like myself) are up to with the fanfics


So some of you may be wondering. "Author, wtf??? Who's Pavi Largo???" Well, let me answer with this.
          Recently, I watched Repo! The Genetic Opera. Let me just tell you that I'm going to tell you to watch it, but there is extreme GORE, VIOLENCE, BLOOD and DEATH. Needless to say, I thought it was amazing, and I simply love a particular character called Pavi Largo. Extremely sexy.
          I shall say no more, for you must watch it for yourselves! It's so unique, and TERRANCE ZDUNICH IS IN IT. LUCIFER FROM THE DEVIL'S CARNIVAL. IS IN IT.
          Anyway, there's also a lot of swearing in it.


@coke-flavored-socks pavi pavi pavi pavi pavi pavi pavi pavi pavi  pavi 