
I just started reading the Pretty Little Liars series, (no I'm not watching the show because, personally, I think the show sucks, and The Flash comes on at the same time and there is no way in h*ll that I'm trading The Flash for that) but the books are really good, I think I'm a tiny bit addicted, anyway, I know I'm supposed to think A is like evil, and terrible, and yadda, yadda, but personally, she's one of my favorite characters, I was like: "D*mn, A is bada*s" She was like exposing everyone, like, my mouth was hanging open in shock 98% of the time when I was reading the three books, yes, I read three books over the weekend, I was a little surprised myself.


I just started reading the Pretty Little Liars series, (no I'm not watching the show because, personally, I think the show sucks, and The Flash comes on at the same time and there is no way in h*ll that I'm trading The Flash for that) but the books are really good, I think I'm a tiny bit addicted, anyway, I know I'm supposed to think A is like evil, and terrible, and yadda, yadda, but personally, she's one of my favorite characters, I was like: "D*mn, A is bada*s" She was like exposing everyone, like, my mouth was hanging open in shock 98% of the time when I was reading the three books, yes, I read three books over the weekend, I was a little surprised myself.


Okay, so why do people in romance books, well BOYS mainly, do this: I threw a rock at her window.
            What the This is not the 1800s, ever heard of something called TEXTING, KIKING, ANYTHING? Really, like they act like they can't just call them instead of walking their sorry a.s's all the way to her house to BREAK HER WINDOW. Let's be honest, my mom would have probably hit him with a bat and would have called the police AFTER CHARGING HIM 500$ FOR THE DAMAGES. 
             Then the guys just call randomly when the girl is studying or something and is like: "Hey babe, get dressed, we're going out."
          Uh, no, B.itch, I have my own agenda I just not going to get up and drop MY sh.t, YOU NEED TO WARN PEOPLE BEFORE HAND
          That is all, -A


Let me just justify something here, if I dude said I was, quote, quote "His".
          I would be pissed beyond the limits. B.tch I am am a human, not a motherf.cking library book. No, I do not think it's sexy, I think it's annoying, like I am a f.cking HUMAN BEING, DO I LOOK LIKE I WANT TO BE LABELED AS A OBJECT, I DO NOT F.CKING THINK SO. When I see that the comments are mostly like. 
          "Omfg he's so sexy I wish I could be her."
          Can someone please tell me why this would turn anybody on, because if he treated me like I was so kind of OBJECT I would have slapped him