i know this looks like a lot, but read it.
everyone should keep being themselves. dont change yourself because of what others think of you. if youre afraid to be yourself in front of others, just do it. one day none of us will be here and when we sit up in the sky and think back to ourselves life, we are going to be sad at how boring we were just because people didnt like the real us. we will think of how much cooler we could have been if we were ourselves. the people who we look up to are themselves. never in my life have i looked at a boring person who tries to be the same as someone else and thought "wow, i want to be like them". everyone is and should be loved no matter what. even if their true self is a little silly or weird. weird is a good thing, 'normal' is boring. i love each and every one of you no matter how different you are❤️