
bro how are people still on this app lmao 
          	like you're deadass in your 20s and still writing fanfic for 13 year olds like its 2015 


this message may be offensive
@loveliestskeleton i literally only log in every once in awhile when im bored, not that you need to know, and i literally stopped talking to you for a reason. i dont see why you gotta comment on my stuff like i care what you have to say ?? weird as fuck 


bro how are people still on this app lmao 
          like you're deadass in your 20s and still writing fanfic for 13 year olds like its 2015 


this message may be offensive
@loveliestskeleton i literally only log in every once in awhile when im bored, not that you need to know, and i literally stopped talking to you for a reason. i dont see why you gotta comment on my stuff like i care what you have to say ?? weird as fuck 


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
honestly kinda sucks when you constantly have to ask yourself if your idols really care about you or if it's just performative activism :/ 
          like how has it gotten to the point where we don't know the true intentions of people we give the biggest platforms and why do we still give them the attention they don't deserve. how much longer does this have to go on and how bad does society have to get before people start caring about minorities and realizing that everybody only cares about making themselves look good and getting clout. 
          and why the fuck does white privilege and racism even exist? like how can someone look at another HUMAN BEING who has the same emotions and feelings as them and think that they're better just because of the color of their skin. why are those thoughts still ingrained in society and the government and why aren't more people with privilege selfless enough to do anything to fix this.
          this place fucking sucks and i hate all of you. this is nasty, selfish world we live in and nobody cares about the people next to them enough to change it. 


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
i miss writing my fics so much. it used to be one of the major things that brought me joy but after what happened and not supporting twenty one pilots like i used i can't even bring myself to write anything anymore. i know that my characters were separate from real people but still even thinking about them just immediately reminds me of the disappointment and anger i felt when tyler posted what he did. joshler used to be such a comfort ship for me and writing about those familiar characters was the only way i could write. of course there's room for forgiveness and i'm definitely not into the whole cancel culture bullshit but the fact that tyler still hasn't said anything about the situation and just disappeared is so disappointing. 


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
shit post but i just wanna go off on so many people i used to be friends with like why the fuck was i ever friends with grown ass petty ass people on here. like looking back on it, my life was practically centered around this app and those people but now i don't even remember that phase of my life or even why i cared so much. like 13 year old me was wildin and i was so stupid to be friends with literal adults like that was ignorant on my part but also creepy AS FUCK on their part. and i know its those 1 am energy drink vibes but i just want to go the fuck off on them. like what grown ass adult would see a 13 or 14 year olds account and think it would be okay to message them and be friends with them. like what the actual fuck are yall on


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
i know i said i was leaving but damn the amount of people on here who are still supporting/stanning tyler joseph and brendon urie is so concerning and dissapointing. like if they had said or done something that personally affected you, y'all would not have reacted the same. like y'all would not just be pretending that you care for two days and then go back to your regularly scheduled programming if tyler had said something insensitive about something you can't control like your gender identity or sexuality. and y'all would not be shaming and attacking victims who are speaking up on what brendon alledgedly did if that shit had happened to you or someone you know. like where's that energy now? and i hate that people are still writing fanfiction about them and justifying it by saying bullshit like " ive always thought of my characters as seperate from them." like you're still spreading their names around and theyre gaining supporters by you doing that. it obviously shows that youre too selfish and care way more about writing fanfiction then actual people. and then those people have ✨blm✨ in their bio like its a fucking aesthetic 


@colderaswegetolder what else should i do...? i haven't been talking about what tyler did but i don't support him anymore, is there anything else to do?? i never supported brendon


thank you to everyone who has been here to support me through the years but i no longer support twenty one pilots and that is the reason i am no longer attached to this account and my writing. i know i saw my characters as fictional and separate from tyler and josh but there is no excusing or defending them and it doesnt sit right with me to continue to use their image when what tyler tweeted and the fact that josh liked it broke my heart. as a poc my life has always been hard simply because of my skin color and to have someone i've looked up too for so long and someone who brought me peace to tweet something so insensitive during a time where he could be so helpful and influential was absolutely heartbreaking. and yes he may be donating or signing petitions in private but that does not excuse what he said AT ALL. and if you guys want "proof" or whatever i would suggest taking a look at what @nicosniners posted on their message board because that's 100% how i feel and i completely agree, they also posted links to tweets and stuff like that. and if youre just going to comment to argue or post your opinion, dont bother because i wont read it or respond. this is a final goodbye message. it was a long and fun journey but im older and more mature now and i need to focus on something else. love you guys ❤️


i'm so crushed. twenty one pilots has been such a big part of my life but i can no longer support tyler or josh. i will no longer be writing fanfiction and i will be taking down my old ones


@ediblepottery i'm not giving them hate or bullying them, just not really supporting them anymore. and of course he doesnt have to talk about anything he doesnt want to on his platform, im not here to dictate his life. it just rubbed me the wrong way that he could take the time to pose in platforms made by an anti-black brand and take and post pictures but couldnt post links to petitions or donations after months of his fans begging him to. and you might not think it was insensitive or offensive or it wasnt to you but its not your place to tell other people how they should feel about something. and like you said, he doesnt have to use his platform but it would've been helpful because he has such a a huge and impressionable audience. and i didnt mention anything about him taking about suicide prevention because he's not the only one talking about it and it is suicide prevention awareness week, its not that im upset about him talking about something that he always has been and that practically everything about his platform and music is about.


@colderaswegetolder i'm sorry, but he doesn't have to use his platform if he doesn't want to, it's his... he made a joke, and he didn't mean it to be offensive at all, actually, it wasn't and he thinks before he posts stuff... he's using his platform for something he has personally gone through and he's so far the only one talking about suicide prevention... but i understand if you no longer support tyler and josh, but don't give them hate or bully them because they don't deserve that. 