
!!P L E A S E   R E A D  I T' S   I M P O R T A N T!!
          	I just wanted to let you know that you are loved.  
          	Jesus loves you. And He wants to be in your life. The Holy Bible puts it this way, JESUS IS KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR. HE WANTS YOU TO OPEN IT, SO HE CAN SIT AND EAT WITH YOU AND BE YOUR FRIEND. {Revelation 3:20-21} NLT
          	Are you gonna ignore Him? Or are you gonna open the door that will lead Him to your life?
          	    •|How am I ignoring Him?|•
          	-By ignoring the teachings by men and women of God when they preach about receiving Him in your life.
          	   •|Eating together?|•
          	-Yes eating together. It means reading the Bible and praying and meditating on the Word of God, winning souls for Christ. That is eating together.
          	  •|What happens when/if I accept Him into my           life?|•
          	-He becomes the Lord(Master), and Personal Savior of your life. He saves you from Hell when you die, and you go to Heaven. You will be Raptured when time comes. Raptured from coming tribulations, Christ will not want us–His Church–to face these tribulations.
          	  •|How do I accept Him into my life?|•
          	-Confess to God the Father that you are a sinner. Ask Him to forgive all the sins you have committed against,
          	Him, and confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for you. Ask God that may He cleanse you with the precious blood of Jesus. Ask God that may His Holy Spirit come into your life and may He dwell in you and take over your life
          	 And gve yourself to God. 
          	→Remember being a born again Christian means denying yourself and allowing Christ to take over.


@personwithfeels hey thank you for taking your time to read the message. May God bless and protect you.


@The12thPark : oh goodness. Thank you for the vote of confidence. You know as I read the miracles God had done for you I realised that nothing is impossible with Him so long as you believe. And I'm amazed by the level of faith you have, as I know that faith takes a huge part in God performing a miracle for you.
          	  Continue in loving and believing in God and may He perform more miracles in your life.


          	  Hi Sandi!
          	  I've been a born again Christian  for many many years:-)
          	  Recently I was inspired to reflect back on my life and remember the many miracles I've seen in my life. When I looked up remember in the bible  210 results popped up. 
          	  I remember the day I got married, it was cloudy with a chance of snow in July (summertime for me)...when the preacher said "these 2 that God has joined together" ...the clouds parted and the sun shone down on us! 
          	  I remember praying for a daughter during my 1st husband kept his cool during sudden labor a delivered her safe and sound.
          	  I remember being very sick and needing a healing. I asked my husband to pray with me... lightening fell and shook my body so hard I flew backwards and hit the floor. I arose healed!
          	  I remember praying with my mother over the phone when she was on her way to get a 2nd opinion when she was told she had breast cancer. Her test came back benign! 
          	  I remember praying with my sister when her child was in danger and over 4 hours away. Within 30 minutes she was safe.
          	  I remember so many other miracles the Lord has done for me.
          	  It is refreshing to see someone young like you clear over on another country and continent with a desire to share her love of the Lord. Keep praying and walking down the straight and narrow way will all be worth it!!!


!!P L E A S E   R E A D  I T' S   I M P O R T A N T!!
          I just wanted to let you know that you are loved.  
          Jesus loves you. And He wants to be in your life. The Holy Bible puts it this way, JESUS IS KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR. HE WANTS YOU TO OPEN IT, SO HE CAN SIT AND EAT WITH YOU AND BE YOUR FRIEND. {Revelation 3:20-21} NLT
          Are you gonna ignore Him? Or are you gonna open the door that will lead Him to your life?
              •|How am I ignoring Him?|•
          -By ignoring the teachings by men and women of God when they preach about receiving Him in your life.
             •|Eating together?|•
          -Yes eating together. It means reading the Bible and praying and meditating on the Word of God, winning souls for Christ. That is eating together.
            •|What happens when/if I accept Him into my           life?|•
          -He becomes the Lord(Master), and Personal Savior of your life. He saves you from Hell when you die, and you go to Heaven. You will be Raptured when time comes. Raptured from coming tribulations, Christ will not want us–His Church–to face these tribulations.
            •|How do I accept Him into my life?|•
          -Confess to God the Father that you are a sinner. Ask Him to forgive all the sins you have committed against,
          Him, and confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for you. Ask God that may He cleanse you with the precious blood of Jesus. Ask God that may His Holy Spirit come into your life and may He dwell in you and take over your life
           And gve yourself to God. 
          →Remember being a born again Christian means denying yourself and allowing Christ to take over.


@personwithfeels hey thank you for taking your time to read the message. May God bless and protect you.


@The12thPark : oh goodness. Thank you for the vote of confidence. You know as I read the miracles God had done for you I realised that nothing is impossible with Him so long as you believe. And I'm amazed by the level of faith you have, as I know that faith takes a huge part in God performing a miracle for you.
            Continue in loving and believing in God and may He perform more miracles in your life.


            Hi Sandi!
            I've been a born again Christian  for many many years:-)
            Recently I was inspired to reflect back on my life and remember the many miracles I've seen in my life. When I looked up remember in the bible  210 results popped up. 
            I remember the day I got married, it was cloudy with a chance of snow in July (summertime for me)...when the preacher said "these 2 that God has joined together" ...the clouds parted and the sun shone down on us! 
            I remember praying for a daughter during my 1st husband kept his cool during sudden labor a delivered her safe and sound.
            I remember being very sick and needing a healing. I asked my husband to pray with me... lightening fell and shook my body so hard I flew backwards and hit the floor. I arose healed!
            I remember praying with my mother over the phone when she was on her way to get a 2nd opinion when she was told she had breast cancer. Her test came back benign! 
            I remember praying with my sister when her child was in danger and over 4 hours away. Within 30 minutes she was safe.
            I remember so many other miracles the Lord has done for me.
            It is refreshing to see someone young like you clear over on another country and continent with a desire to share her love of the Lord. Keep praying and walking down the straight and narrow way will all be worth it!!!