
who actually goes to their news feed?


I have WAY too many books in my library.. I always see a book I want to read and then I add it to my library and I never read it! I don't mean to. I mean I've read so many books on Wattpad the list is WAY too long. Anyone else have this problem? Just asking lmao


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omfg okay so I went camping over the weekend. And then I have FearTWD all recorded and stuff and I completely forgot to say anything about it here or any social media (unusual for me) and so I was commenting sarcastic things on this zombie book and I was like OMFG WHY I DO THAT??!! so now I'm here commenting about in the near future I will be posting this and then eating breakfast.. okay so *spoilers* when he first woke up in the church, I knew instantly there would be zombies but then I was confused because I thought it was supposed to start out slow. AND WHERE THE FUCK DID THOSE ZOMBIES GO?!? AND WHAT ABOUT CAL HOW THE FUCK DID HE GET BEHIND THE TRUCK? but most importantly, WHERE THE FUCK IS THE SISTER'S BOYFRIEND? (I forgot her name but that makes her sound like a nun, sister...) idek I heard some people say it wasn't good but I loved it, except the mc needs to get his shit together. I hope he's all badass when things really start to take a turn and zombies are everywhere.


Hello people. I have made another account with my cousin, @HappyIsBoss (to all demolished fairy tail lovers). He's kinda busy at the moment, camping and stuff. and I'm kinda going to be busy, camping and stuffs. So I have no schedule and I write whenever I want to bitches. Jk. I'll just post whenever I can. so cool.