
قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Ooooohhhh shit y'all I hit a hundred followers *fortnight default dances while crying* thankkkkkssssss 


LMFAO, your location is always easy to find I guess. 


Merry Christmas eve ya bunch of filthy animals 


I usually dont do this but its story time motha fuckas. I was setting in English class and my teacher goes if you had to describe the year twenty eighteen in one sentence what would it be and me being the edgy meme lord I am as we where going down the road of kids and it was my turn I said " Yeet yEeT let me skeet up outta here OOF " needless to say I received and A for originality but a C in the grade books it was damn funny though 


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Yesssss 69 who's ready for shitty sex jokes  
          Jack and jill went up the hill so jack could like jills candy but jack got a shock and a mouth full of cock cause jills real name was Randy 
          I dont allways make oral sex jokes but when I do they -suck- (@^@) 
          I wore a fitbit for the first time yesterday one on each wrist its funny cause the one on the right says i ran fifteen miles but the one on the left says I didnt even stand up 
          I watched the lion king with my mom and dad once and after lights out I heard my mom scream " Get the fuck on this bed and hakuna my tatas" and that was the day I filed for emancipation. 
          Ok I'm done with the sex jokes thx for 69 followers. 


@coleemberlanash Ur close to 96!!! Kinda. Are you gonna do more jokes like these???